Thursday, January 13, 2005

top ten ... thursday?

alright, so i didn't hold up my end of the bargain on top ten tuesdays. but i'm here to make an effort. and here are the top ten reasons why today was a GOOD day. (for those of you who i've talked to today, you'll know that this is a challenge for me, but i'm determined to think positive. determined.)

- i'm wearing my new non-becca girly shirt with a pink bow. and i LIKE it. so there.
- we had a good time at monica's birthday lunch. and tossing a few slushballs in the parking lot afterwards.
- all of my magazine ads are FINISHED and UPLOADED.
- jeff didn't quit. that's always good.
- i shot three very nice dart balls at the end of the day.
- nelly furtado.
- black beans & rice.
- i kicked butt playing split tonight.
- e-mails to cheer me up during the day.
- a God who holds everything together on days like today when i feel like i'm falling apart.

why was your day a good day?



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