Wednesday, April 20, 2005

half and half

so now two of the links at the bottom work. all the blog archives are working *and* you can get to my links page. the content there will need to be updated, but for now i'm just shooting for functional. the other two pages (details & shots) will take some thought. perhaps this weekend.

good news for the day - my paste music order was shipped today.

other good news - yesterday is dead and over. yes, i'm quoting music again, but it's a truth that really hit me on my way home this evening. i can say all i want about looking to the future, but i am a creature easily drawn to living in the past. i often cultivate my regrets - keeping them fresh and new in my mind. reminding myself of the ways i've failed and the wrong choices i've made. to what gain? learning from the past is one thing. reliving it is quite another.


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